Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Truck Got Stuck

They say no good deed goes unpunished. This is perhaps a bit too true. Today, my assistant principal asked for my assistance which I happily provided. He wanted to use my truck and my muscles to help him clean out the gym storage room. Much of the equipment is tattered and old and needs to make it's way into the garbage. Not a small undertaking.

I had thought we'd be moving stuff through the school and driving to the bins. Ooops, nope, we were going to drive our way across the playground to the gym doors where we'd load the box of the truck and deliver the junk into the garbage. Well, we started on our way. I hopped the curb and easily motored a bit over 50 meters. And then we began to struggle. I tried to rock the truck. Until the truck dropped a foot. We were stuck. Seriously stuck. As in my right tire wasn't in contact with the ground and my running boards were on snow, stuck. No amount of shovelling was going to solve the problem.

There my lovely "Baby" was sitting on her skid plates, stuck on the playground of my school. You can imagine the commotion this caused. Thank goodness the school is still under construction and the fantastic Site Manager, Justin, came to the rescue. He fixed the CAT and dug a path out. Next, he hooked up a chain and using the bucket helped lift me enough for the tires to hit solid ground.

Once I was unhooked I gunned it along the school on the foot packed snow heading for pavement. I was out. I went in at 11:30 and I was out by 2:30. I was starting to think I'd be calling my mom to come pick me up from work. Embarrassing.

My kids sure got a kick out of it anyway. One of them started singing this song. Here's Corb Lund (one of my favorite singers) and his song. Enjoy.

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