Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Right

Have you ever had one of those moments when you wanted to freeze time?  When you thought surely life counldn't be better than this?  This weekend, I drove back down to Airdrie and I spent hours taking lessons with Calvin Jones.  While challenging, thought provoking, and sometimes frustrating I grew as a trainer.  It was as though the lightbulb went on over my head.  I loved him and wanted to absorb as much of his wisdom as I could.

The fundamentals for developing a good trial dog became clear.  I'm struggling changing my practice to meet his, but I'm determined to keep trying.  Ryder grew a stunning amount.  He walked into the weekend not knowing any flanks, and walked out with some fundamentals.  It was fun learning about Ryder's Welsh pedigree.  Many of the dogs Calvin knew and some of them he'd even worked!

I'll continue learning via email and YouTube and there just may be a trip to Wales in my future...


MTWaggin said...

Those are great moments aren't they? Really, those of us that train our critters grow so much in so many ways with each different challenge we are sent (or at least we CAN)! Aha moments to be sure sounds like you had great fun too!

The Wright Mommy said...

Isnt it awesome when someone believes in you?!!even better? Believing in yourself! U r gifted when it comes to those dogs!

Jennifer said...

Awesome Andrea, then you can give a clinic to us beginners! :)