Friday, March 13, 2009

Buddy's Family

First off - I'd like to apologize for the poor picture quality.  My camera was dying and I was in a rush.  Wow - what a way to start a blog...
In need of a DNA sample I made the trip out to Buddy's breeder's farm.  His dam Dee Echols Bonanza does not have her DNA on file.  This means I cannot register Buddy until it is.  You would think this is a simple task, unfortunately his mom is slightly wild.  We literally had to corner her to catch her.  Then the DNA removal (pulling out hair) was done as quietly and gently as possible.  Physically she is quite a lovely mare.  

They pasture breed and based on the looks of her belly she's open.

What I like about Buddy's sire, Doc Zannie is he's super athletic and cowy without sacrificing bone.  He's got a great disposition, has won money at Working Cow Horse and Cattle Penning events and has beautiful movement.  During this picture he was standing tied in the same pen the mare had just run into.  


The Wright Mommy said...

I love the raggamuffin look, they are adorable!

Country Girl said...

You know - they're both for sale... lol! Likely cheap too!