It never fails to amaze me what a couple of weeks of warm weather can do. This picture was taken today in my field. If you scroll to the bottom of this post you can find a picture taken in the same field at virtually the same spot - not even two weeks ago.
Bella is still on her tire treatment, with increasing breaks off of it. I'm standing firm and keeping her on it, simply because I'd be traumatized if she got run over when it's completely preventable. Here's a picture of her greeting one of the sheep.
I must admit I love it when she gives her doggy grin. She has such large teeth but is so good natured, the contrast always makes me smile. She looks so happy.
Just curious: what is a "tire treatment" (re: "Bella is still on her tire treatment ...").
I do miss snow ... now that I don't have to dig my car out of it ;-)
Bella is chained (tied) to an old tire. This helps keep her with her stock and keeps her from getting into trouble (like going on the road) while we navigate through her adolescent time. (She's a Maremma - a livestock guardian breed - bred to protect and live with livestock.)
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