Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Helping Out

Sometimes we just need a helping hand.  Someone to step up and help take some of the load off.  My friend's mom had just had hip surgery.  She needed someone to help the farrier.  I was willing and able to help out.  So that's what I did.

It's always awkward to spend time making small talk with a random stranger.  Or at least it is for me...  anyhow, I greeted him and said I'd be helping out.  I had already brought the horses into the little barn and was ready for Operation Trim.  In response to his query I told him I had three horses and had done 4-H with Jeanne's girls.  His response?  Oh, so you're her girls age.  O-kay....  Smiling and nodding I continued to talk "horse" with him while he trimmed the horses hooves.  Once we finished I told him he could pop by the house and Jeanne would pay him.  His response??

Can you take off your toque (winter woven head gear for my American friends)?  O-kay....

It took me a moment to ponder whether or not I'd comply.  I gave an awkward laugh, shook my head and pulled off my hat.  Immediately my static filled hair followed, and I quickly shoved my hat back on. The look of bafflement must have clued him in and he explained that he liked being able to recognize people when he sees them in town...

Good luck my friend.  Good Luck.

My attire?  Black sweat pants, black Sorel winter boots, a large and bulky Carhart winter jacket, big black mittens and my pretty ski toque. Add to this no make up and glasses...

Yep, good luck recognizing me in my town attire....

But how can you not laugh.  I climbed into my truck and began to giggle.  Funniest thing to happen to me in a looooooonnnnnng time!


Jennifer said...

that is an awesome story! I have goose bumps....Who? Who? Who? ;)

Country Girl said...

You give me far too much credit.... I don't remember his name.... he was nice though - in that slightly off way farriers have about them....

The Wright Mommy said...

Ha ha!! Love it! If I didn't know better, I'd say he was sweet on ya!