Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Whiskey's Man

Whiskey has been dying for a baby for years.  When she was kept at the barn she would nicker and whinny at the passing foals.  Last night I forgot to latch the gate to her pen and when I went out later I found her standing surrounded by sleeping calves.  (Normally she's not allowed in with the cows because she chases them.)  To make matters even more bizarre when I called for her to come to me she started out of the herd only to stop and show "heat" sign - which she never does, I mean never!  I can never tell when this mare is in heat.

Lucky for Whiskey I've finally settled on a stallion.  His name is Two T General Hooker and he was initially imported from Two T Ranches in the US.  I've had the opportunity to work and ride a number of Two T horses and loved them.  Hook himself has reining money earned and is a versatile, quiet stallion who currently breeds and works on a ranch.  His owners don't normally breed to outside mares but because I know people (hee hee) and I'm ultrasounding before I haul her, so she'll be there right as she goes into heat, he's wiling to make an exception for me.

I'm really excited to see how this cross will turn out.  Hook is a smaller stallion with a fairly compact build which is what I wanted for this first baby.  With his awesome personality and Whiskey's awesome personality with a little luck I'll get a baby that takes the best from both of it's parents.  Really, the dreaming is half the fun.  I've created a Whiskey's Potential to show what the pedigree will look like on the baby.

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