Sunday, January 15, 2012

Horses of the Past

I have this new fancy scanner, photocopier and printer.  I thought I'd test it out and work on uploading some of my old horse pictures.  From most recent to oldest, here are some (I don't have photos of my first horses.) of my current to old horses.

Guinness - AQHA aka Single Malt Whiskey

This is his mom the first summer I owned her.
Whiskey - AQHA aka Miss Soft Shoe

Bacardi - AQHA aka Royal Purple Coke

I couldn't find a picture of Charger.  Here we are doing grand entry for Lacombe ProRodeo.  I sold Charger when I hurt my shoulder and couldn't rope anymore.  Looking back I wish I'd kept him.  He was a nice solid all around kind of horse.
L - Me on Yeller - AQHA aka Two T Rebel Gold
2nd from L - friend on Charger - AQHA aka Kole Charger

Yeller - AQHA aka Two T Rebel Gold (and an uncle to Guinness).

Yeller - the horse I trained but should have bought.  Another one I tried to find with no luck.

Shorty - Grade colt - took him in to help him heal - he was in rough shape - traded him for Whiskey.

My school master rope horse.  He had successfully won in the area of 30 grand at rodeos throughout his career.  He piloted his one armed owner to numerous wins.  The horse that sent me into a tailspin of depression when he suffered a catastrophic and life ending injury.
Roo - Grade

Roo and Charro hanging out and grooming each other.

The horse that did it all.  He would have made a superstar endurance horse because he could go all day!
Charro - Arabian aka Charro Rafinara

Polish bred going back to Tornado - Bask.
Another horse I tried to find with no luck.

Charro and I at a local Arabian show.

The horse of my heart. Best friend and confidante.
Smokey - Arabian aka Nova Sherocco
Picture taken by D. Kirk Photos.

Smokey and I at a big 4H show.  He was a regional A champion halter stallion and absolute hoot to ride.
Ansata Ibn Halima and Crabbet lines (Egyptian).  
Picture taken by L. Carroll.
 Haida - my first 4H horse and the one that taught me how to ride.  Mostly because she bucked me off every other day.  Nasty beast.  Picture taken at my first 4H achievement day (and first horse show ever).  I would have been 9 at the time.
Haida - Anglo Arabian - and for the life of me I can't remember her papered name.

I don't have pictures for Pilot - the grade cowboy horse who was my first horse.  Or Jet or Maggie - the ponies that didn't last too long on the place.  Nasty little farts.  (My dad went for cheap not quality - to be fair it's not like there was a lot of money floating around.)

And there you have the pictorial of my horses past, and present.


The Wright Mommy said...
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Liz said...

The TAIL on those two. Goooodddnnesssss! I'm not sure what adjective I want to use more lol. Love all the Arab shots. What a fun horse past. Thanks for posting!

The Wright Mommy said...

oops, I accidently deleted my comment. My bad! What I had said, was: great trip down memory lane!! We have been sooo blessed to have so many wonderful horses in our lives... I truly believe they have each come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime!!

Vive les chevaux!!