Friday, March 30, 2012


Wednesday, Thursday, and today I've been out to Jason's.  I know it's totally geek-ish but I really like riding there and turning back.  For me it's fun and stress relief.  For him it's free help.  Works out great for both of us.  Following his advice I tossed an ad up for Bacardi on Kijiji this morning.  I was stunned to have 2 phone calls this morning.  One of those phone calls asked to view her this afternoon.

There I was filled with nervous energy - so I baked.  I made Red Velvet cupcakes.  Then I loaded up and hauled over to Jason's.  When the couple showed up they watched me trot a few circles and said, "Yep, I think she'll do."  Seriously.  I couldn't make that up if I tried.  After they walked her around for a couple of circles they got off.  I showed her on cattle turning back, I worked her on cattle, I worked her on the flag.  And that was the end of that.  They didn't even want to ride her to cool her out.  The whole situation has left me slightly freaked.  Jason and Chrissy said I shouldn't feel bad.  But I kinda do.  It was weird to me that they didn't really ride her.  I was honest and told them the truth about the horse (in a gentle non-negative way).  I didn't want them to buy a surprise.

Either way, Bacardi has moved on to a new life and I have a cheque in my pocket.

And tomorrow I go ride a "real" cutter and turn back for Jason in the morning.  Why?  Because I want to.


Liz said...

I can haz cupcake!? You haz moneez to send me one nowz.

No, but seriously....cupcake?!

Oh, and does this mean you get to find superstar horse now??!!

Lori said...

It's always hard to sell a horse, even when you know it's the best thing for you and the horse. But this sale happened so quickly and so easily, ya gotta figure it was supposed to be. And now I want to bake too.