Saturday, March 10, 2012


I've been burning up the keyboard lately.  I've been working on my report cards, in addition to having a presentation and paper due this weekend for university.  The flip side is the dogs are slightly nutty.  I've had a couple of 1am wake up calls with Diva rollo-ing on me all spunky like.  While annoying, I can't exactly blame her.  Not enough exercise or mental stimulation = looney Border Collie.  Her big thing is the moment I sit my bottom down in my office she starts whining.  Charming.  This mean she get booted out into the garage and run so I can be productive.  I have one more labour intensive week and then the dogs will have me back.

Stay tuned.  I may have horse news in the near/distant future...

1 comment:

Liz said...

Horses? Wait, you have those, too? ;-)