Friday, April 27, 2012

No Phone

I have embarked on a new adventure.  One of a different kind.  One that I'm contemplating creating a new blog just to chronicle.  You see, I am somewhat (somewhat of an understatement) of a hermit.  I'm pretty happy with my life and tend to putter through life.  Every once in a while I'll stop, think and say "Holy crap!  It's been a while since I've been on a date."  Time is flying past and I thought that I should maybe, just maybe do something about this.  The only problem being my options are limited.  I work with children in a female dominated field.  For my hobbies I enjoy spending time with happily (thank goodness) married men.  (Whose wives I think are amazing...)  I don't go to bars, and even if I did I don't have anyone to go with.  My friends are composed of married peoples - many with children.  So what's a girl to do?

Well, I broke out my handy dandy MacBook and began testing the waters.  Literally.  I have begun swimming in the pool of online dating.  I won't lie.  This is does provide me with feelings of alarm.  It also has provided myself and my friends some serious entertainment.

Case in point.

Years ago, I dated a lovely steer wrestler.  He was a professional cowboy and as such slightly flaky.  We had dated for close to 6 months when suddenly I never heard from him again.  He literally disappeared from my life.  We still lived in the same community but he never called me again.  At this point in time I coined the phrase "The No Phone Call Dump".  This is where rather than say, "Gee, I'm just not that into you anymore"  they cease all forms of communication.  No phone calls, texts or calls returned.

Flash forward to this week.

Last Saturday I had my first "real" meet of a "virtual" meet.  We spent a couple hours chatting, seemed to have some stuff in common.  That night I sent him a text, thanking him.  His response was it would be up to me whether we would continue to get to know each other.  I responded that I'd like that.  And from that point on the dome of silence was lowered.  Seriously?  WTF?  I have no issues with saying, "Thanks, but no thanks."  I really do expect the same courtesy.  A friend had suggested that perhaps I wasn't clear in expressing my interest.  Another text sent.  And the ringing of silence returned.  So me being me, I tossed this one into the garbage.

But I really don't get it.

And this my friends was one of my more tame "normal" experiences with my new adventure.  The saga continues...


Liz said...

Sure you don't want to teach Ryder and Diva (especially Diva) to attack on command? Or at least growl menacingly on command?

Lori said...

OK - just speaking from my own experience in the world of online dating: this isn't gonna end well. But I give you props for trying (and for going out on a face-to-face date so quickly!). I think we should start our own dating horror-story blog :-) Good luck and I look forward to reading about your adventures!

The Wright Mommy said...

Yesssss!! I am soo happy you have started to blog about your adventures!! I love sharing these laughs with ya! Here's hoping this blog ends one day with you finding your soul mate!!!

Jennifer said...

What if its not you? What if it's them? I mean really....emotionally unavailable men are everywhere! they don't even know they can't communicate! lol ;)

Equine Mum said...

Why not come and post this fab blog at Haynet a worldwide website of all things blogging about horses? We have equestrian blogs from all over the world that people follow and read. Would love to have you there. Come and check out

Country Girl said...

Jennifer, I never thought this was my issue. lol