Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Didn't Need That Anyway

It's all the dogs fault...  There I was rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off  (Seriously, google that.)  I had just arrived home from class - flush after a big presentation.  I had one bull stick left.  Two dogs.  I did what any sane individual would.  I grabbed my Henkle and began sawing away.  That bull stick was tough and resisted my best efforts.   Persevering I kept sawing away.  And then it happened.

With no warning the bull stick bucked the knife off, slamming it into my unsuspecting finger.  Eyes bulging with horror I stared down.  Rushing into the bathroom I start running the cold water over it.  YeeeOuch!  That smarted so I changed my mind.  I grab some Kleenex and wrap it.  Holding it tightly to try and slow the bleeding.  Until it looked like I was going to redecorate the floor...  Calling my mom I ask if she'd mind swinging by with some bandages and gauze.  With her help I get the finger wrapped tightly.

Should I have gone to the doctor?  Nah.  I'm pretty sure I didn't need stitches...  but it is going to leave a hunk missing.  Poor finger... I really didn't need that part anyway...


Liz Stout said...

Do I need to trot up there to treat and medicate you?! I have all this training I haven't used much yet... And a LOT of medical supplies...

On another note, your post about a rattling plate really made me think you were talking about theraplates. I stood on one at equine affaire....oh lawdy lawdy, it was amazing.

And, final note: guy I work with lives with one of THE WEIRDEST GIRLS EVER. They're Americorps volunteers. Well weird girl was driving home from another town (20 miles out) and sees dogs along the highway and stops to pick them up. One ran away, the other hops in the car. I saw my friend walking it later. BEAUTIFUL BORDER! Looks a LOT like Ryder. I really, truly hope she puts forth the effort to find his owners. He had a collar but no tags. A dog that beautiful doesn't just go missing w/o someone crying. Also really made me lust after a border of my own. Kenai needs a girlfriend, right?

Speaking of Kenai, he's gassing up my room major. I'll be lucky to make it through tonight. Ack!

The Wright Mommy said...

OUCH!! Good God! One of these days you are gonna hack off a limb!!