Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's a Dog's Life

It has been blooming cold here.  Minus Frigid is how I like to describe it.  I had to laugh when I read Liz's post about dressing for weather.  I wear Arctic quality clothing.  And I'm not ashamed to admit it. How cold was it?  It was around the -40s (C).  We've had two weeks of unrelenting cold and a whole lotta snow.  This has been hard on the dogs.  To pass time and keep them mentally fresh I've been playing with them in the house.  Ryder is slated to enter his first series of agility classes in January.  Luke's owner has been giving us some activities to work on.  Ryder loves this stuff.  Today - be proud - be very proud because I managed to haul the camera out.

And viola!  Pictures!

Waiting for Diva... 

Watching for Ryder's "attack". 

The chase is on! 

Playing is soooo much fun! 

"I'm gonna git ya!" 

Must. Catch. Ryder. 


I love my new bed. 

Standing on wobble disk. 

Standing on fireplace. 

Other end on fireplace.


Liz said...

Aww, I love your dogs. Ryder is such a smart little goof.

Unknown said...

Love the winter pics!Sooo fun!