Saturday, November 30, 2013


Today I submitted my capstone.  This means I'm on track to receiving my Masters of Education in Educational Leadership.  In approximately four weeks I'll have more letters to string behind my name.  In approximately four weeks I won't have any more papers to write or classes to go to.  For two years I've lived in a permanent tired state.  I've been short on time and cash.  My poor dogs suffered long stints of no training or exercise.  The horses were sacrificed.  Sent on to better homes with people who had time and energy to do them right.

Whatever will I do?

I'll take Ryder to an agility class.
I'll read for pleasure.  Renew the county library card I've let lapse.
I'm investigating finding a lease horse to ride a couple times a week.
I'll take yoga classes.  Drink coffee with friends.
I'll dust off my very nice skis and head to the mountains.
I'll sit and watch the world move past.

I'll savour the moment.  And yes, I'll probably find some other class to take.


Liz said...

Kiiiiick ass lady!! Congrats

MTWaggin said...

Congrats!!!! YOu won't sit still for long I know!

Unknown said...

In approx 4 weeks you'll have a bigger paycheck! Whooo hooo!!Congrats, girl! I admire you dedication to lifelong learning!