Thursday, November 7, 2013


Soon I will have cute pictures of my fur family.

Soon I will have time.

Soon Ryder's interventions will work.  His ThunderShirt and pheromone defusing collar will help him gain weight and stop stressing.

Soon I'll stop worrying about the dogs.  Right?

Soon, I'll work Diva on sheep and Ryder will get consistent agility training.

Soon, right?

Soon Whiskey goes to the farm for the winter.

Soon my father will stop calling me to check on the horse.

Soon Honey will be moved in and regular routines will once again be established.


Soon I'll crack down and finish my Capstone (thesis).

Soon, it's due December 3rd.

Soon I'll finish writing report cards and have free evenings.

Soon, the due date is in two weeks.

Soon I'll regularly get my exercise.

Soon I'll stumble upon the right antibiotic for the infection I'm fighting.

Soon, right?

Soon I'll have time to read for pleasure.


Everything is soon.


1 comment:

Liz said...

You got this lady. Im thinking about you. Sending you positive thoughts.