Thursday, March 26, 2015

Balls in the Air





This is the story of my life.  I'm trying desperately to keep all the balls in the air.

This week is the break part.  I'm finished a bunch of work commitments.  Now, I get to focus on my animals.

Tomorrow, Whiskey goes in for her x-rays.  Marnie gets her teeth checked.  Vaccinations get purchased.

Saturday, I spend the day at a tack sale.  I'm going to try to unload some stuff I never use.

Sunday, I have my jumping lesson.  I've been miserably sick so have missed too many this month.

And Monday - Monday I get to ride my own horse.  :)

I plan to start riding her regularly.  I also plan to make a trip or two or three out to Drayton to work the dogs.

It's Spring-ish.  I plan to take advantage of it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You sure are holding a lot of balls..he he I said "balls."