Sunday, May 13, 2012

Working Sheep Horse?

After working Ryder on the sheep, I untied Guinness and followed him out into the field.  I was hoping to get some pictures of my growing boy.  He went from being adorable like this:

To highlighting his beautiful stride like this:

To playing scatter and chase the sheep like this:

To full on working - er - sheep?  horse like this:

Poor sheep - they had thought the "work" part of the day was over.

Guinness on the other hand meant business.  

I'll have to ask Jason if Guinness needs to move into an isolation pen.  It appears I just may *if the stars align* have a cutting prospect.  At the very least he'll make a handy reined cow horse!
Contentment is...


The Wright Mommy said...

OMG! He is sooo cute! Hilarious! Looks like he's learned everything he knows from..the dogs!! LOVE IT!!

Liz said...

Geeettttttttttt some little man!

Griffin just chases Kenai. Maybe I should get him sheep, too!